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Fallout 4 Season Pass: Worth the $50?

Fallout 4 has not gone without controversy. It was presented with a nearly impossible task of pleasing the world. It's release granted Bethesda Games Studios around $750 million. After many eager fans got their hands on the game some were inevitably disappointed. The base game was plauged with bugs and was very similair to past iterations. Disappointed fans did have things to look forward to though. Mods and DLC could remedy this backlash. The creation kit for Fallout 4 was released on April 26th and provided new ways for players to enjoy Fallout and tailor it to their liking. Xbox One players were granted mod support June 2nd. Unfortunately, mods have yet to have reach the Playstation 4.

The DLC for Fallout 4 kicked off with Automatron in March. This DLC provided a 2 hour questline and craftable robots. This DLC was a small $10 addition to the game that seemed to bare a mostly postive reaction.

April came with Wasteland Workshop, a $5 DLC which included new settlement objects and a new arena system, with which the player could build, tame, and fight creatures of the wasteland.

Far Harbor followed in May for $25 and provided a brand new area to explore, a large main quest with multiple endings, and a sufficient amount of side quests to keep players engaged.

Contraptions Workshop was $5 and released in June, it added many different settlement kits including elevators, logic gates, and conveyor belts.

Vault Tec Workshop was released in July and provided a short questline and most notably, the ability to build and run your own vault.

Nuka World was the final Fallout 4 DLC, released in August and costing $20, Nuka World granted a new are to explore, a 12 hour main questline, and many side quests for players to enjoy.

Is this DLC worth your $50? Well, it depends on what aspects of the base game you enjoy. If you are like me and enjoy building your settlements and protecting your settlers from raider attacks, then you might just want to buy the settlement DLC's individually. Let's say you like the rich lore of fallout and exploring the wasteland, then you should probably buy the Nuka World and Far Harbor. If you are a fan of both, the Season Pass will save you $15 in total. The Fallout 4 Season Pass is great for avid fans of Fallout 4, people who were against the settlement system may want to save their money, the game provided some good DLC but nothing to the level of Fallout 3 or New Vegas If you are still on the fence about buying the season pass I recommend saving your money. There are plenty of great games yet to come this year and that $50 is better spent on something you are truly excited about.

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